Access Exclusively Agendaat new features and report your feedback to tailor our developments to your needs.
Things To Know about The Agendaat Beta
Test Flight will include all the services of the full release
We encourage Beta testers to send feedback and report bugs.
This is not our final version before release and changes may be made.
For consistency Beta testers, should come to this page often and check for updates.
Any other updates will be on our Social Media
Please fill your Agenda and Profile with correct information as data will go live as it is.
Click this Link for more information about Testflight.
How to Download the Agendaat Beta
Install Test Flight from the App Store. Ensure to have notifications enabled on Test Flight if there are any updates.
With Test Flight installed, open this Link on your phone and join and install.
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Build your own Agenda
For Inquiries please review the FAQ, or alternatively contact us by Email.